Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fuel Saving & Emission Control

Here is one idea I would like to share with you all that can help in controlling emissions and saving good amount of precious fuel. This could be a major initiative towards saving our ecosystem.

The idea is to make checking tyre pressure mandatory when a vehicle is refueled. A pressure gauge can be a part of each fueling machine. While the fuel is being filled, the worker can check the tyre pressure.

The idea focuses on a vehicle's tyre pressure to control emissions, save fuel and help the ecosystem. If we suppose there are 30L vehicles (four-wheelers) in Delhi alone and out which 10% runs on under-inflated tyres then the following calculations will show us how much we can benefit by implementing this small idea:

I have taken the worst case scenarios and not included the two wheelers and other vehicle count. The actual numbers will be much higher (Total Vehicles, Under-Inflated Vehicles, Mileage effected)


  • Total Number of Four-Wheelers: 30L
  • Vehicles running on under-inflated tyres (10%) = 3L
  • Mileage effected (3%) i.e. for a vehicle with 15Km/Litre, under-inflation will bring it to 14.5Km/Litre
  • On an average, a car is driven 500 Kms per month and gives a 12Km/Litre of mileage with correct tyre pressure

With Correct Type Pressure
Fuel used by each car per month = 500/12 = 41.66 Litres
Fuel used by 3L cars per month = 3,00,000 x 41.66 = 1,24,98,000 Litres

With Under-Inflated TyresReduction in mileage = 3% = 11.64 Kms/Litre
Fuel used by each car per month = 500/11.64 = 42.95 Litres
Fuel used by 3L cars per month = 3,00,000 x 42.95 = 1,28,85,000 Litres
(1,28,85,000 - 1,24,98,000) = 387000 Litres x 50 (price of fuel) = Rs. 1,93,50,000
i.e. Rs. 2 crore worth of fuel can be saved every month in Delhi with the above figures

If we take the all india figure of approximately 10 crore vehicles, the fuel saved per month will go upto
(4166000000 - 4295000000) = 129000000 x 50 = Rs. 645,00,00,000 i.e. 645 crore rupees/month => 7740 thousand crore per year

Other Benefits

  • Less wear and tear of tyres. So the tyres will be discarded less frequently and we will have less rubber to dispose
  • Emission levels will be reduced as less fuel will be burnt
  • Better handling and control of vehicles will reduce accidents

Monday, May 31, 2010

Smart Accounts - Smart Savings

Continuing my previous post titled "Smart Accounts", I am writing adding to that idea here.

I was "Grocery" shopping with my wife at my favorite place in Gurgaon (Spencer's Hyper - Megacity Mall) when this tiny small idea crossed my mind. We all buy stuff like mats, utensils, water filters etc that have a short lifespan of say 6-12 months. Then we need to buy them again either because of their condition or a new upgraded product is in the market.

The idea is to create sub accounts inside the main account in which people can save small amount of money for each of these items. So if you 3 items that you want to change in the next 12 months, you start saving for them from the day you bought this one:

12 months LifeSpan
Door Mats (3) - 1200
Non-Stick Pan - 1500
Water Filter - 1900
Save: 4600/12 = 384/month

2 years Lifespan
Desktop - 30,000
Inverter Batteries - 8000
Mobile Phone - 12000
Save: 50,000/24 = 2084/month

The total amount i.e. 2084 + 384 will be transferred automatically to these sub accounts after the user sets them. Banks can calculate the actual interest that the person will earn when he starts putting this amount aside every month (e.g. according to 3.5% on Saving Bank Account). The total interest and the reduced number of EMIs can also be shown. For e.g. @ 3.5% per annum rate of interest, the total interest earned in 23 months will be around Rs. 2065 so 1 EMI will be reduced. Other options such as the benefit of starting an Mutual Fund SIP can also be shown which can yield an attractive interest rate of close to 10% per annum.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time Camera and Time Snap

As Sumeet was discussing about how much he wants to work on Image Processing, a thought crossed my mind. Can we ever have a "Time Camera"? A Time Camera will not shoot pictures but will capture that moment in time when the button is clicked.

For e.g. you are standing in front of Taj Mahal and you take a picture with the Time Camera. The Time Camera will save that exact moment in time i.e. evrything that is happening around the world at that moment. Now when you check that "Time Snap" on you PC or some other device, you will see a 3D representation showing Taj Mahal as the starting picture. You can then, using a sophisticated software that can walk you around in a 3D environment, go anywhere and see what was happening at that particular moment. For instance what was happenning at the "Times Square. NewYork, when you clicked that picture or what was cooking in your neighbour's kitchen at that time.

I don;t know will it ever be a reality but looking at how fast we are moving ahead with technology, I believe we will might have a Time Camera by next century.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year - TWENTY TEN

Another new year, the last year went so fast. It's going to me the most memorable year of my life as I I became a father of a sweet daughter in May last year. And who can forget all the sleepless nights preparing Nan-1, Nan-2 and Cerelac for my sweetu in the middle of the night, playing with her till 2:00 AM in the morning and finally yawning all over the place in the office then. It has been a great great year for me.

I did a lot of Cooking and Programming this year (the two things that I enjoy the most) and hope to keep the spirits high this year too. I have a lot of great plans for this new year that I missed the last time. A major thing.... major... if I can complete it this year

We are Robots

I've always been fascinated by UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) and stories related to these alien objects. The first story that I ...