Saturday, June 13, 2009

Traveller Goggles

I was watching this show named "Chew" today on Travel and Living when this thought came to my mind. It was showing a street food market in Taiwan and tourists were checking out on the different food items. There were a number of shops and banners in their local language.

I thought of having a pair of glasses that a tourist will put on and will see everything in local language converted to his language of choice. Be it shop names, traffic signals, other messages. It would be a really helpful invention for all of us.

Updated: 17-Aug-2011
Here it comes: Google Goggles
The Android App can scan text and translate it on your phone.

Updated: 28 Februrary 2014
After almost 5 years this thing is now a reality :)

1 comment:

Abhi said...

Here it comes:
The Android App can scan text and translate it on your phone.

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