Friday, November 6, 2009

Save fuel with tyre pressure

A good "green" and very low cost idea of saving fuel can be to make checking of type pressure mandatory whenever a person refuels his vehicle. This will save a very small part of the fuel but will certainly be useful.

For example:
- If suppose the type pressure affects both the mileage/litre and emissions by 2%
- An average person drives around 500 Kms/month, 12 Km/litre is the average mileage of a vehicle
- We have 2 crore vehicles in India of which around 5% run on low type pressure

(Affected Average/litre) * (Average litres burnt/month) * number of vehicles
(2/100 * 12) * (500/12) * 10,00,000 = approx Kms of fuel every month

= 1,00,00,000 (I crore Kms) of fuel can be saved every month

The figure would be much larger if all the vehicles in the world are taken into account.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Traveller Goggles

I was watching this show named "Chew" today on Travel and Living when this thought came to my mind. It was showing a street food market in Taiwan and tourists were checking out on the different food items. There were a number of shops and banners in their local language.

I thought of having a pair of glasses that a tourist will put on and will see everything in local language converted to his language of choice. Be it shop names, traffic signals, other messages. It would be a really helpful invention for all of us.

Updated: 17-Aug-2011
Here it comes: Google Goggles
The Android App can scan text and translate it on your phone.

Updated: 28 Februrary 2014
After almost 5 years this thing is now a reality :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

A very happy new year to you all. One of my resolutions for this year is to keep my blog fresh by adding new content at least every week.
Cooking is one of my hobbies and you will soon start seeing new entries related to it. Whatever I cook I just want to make it a little special by adding a pinch of my *perfection* in it. I make Sandwiches to Omelette, Kathal to masala papads, assorted vegetables, macaroni, bharwa baingan and many more. Olive oil is my favorite for the last 6 months and I really enjoy its aroma even in Aloo-Tamatar...

Check out, I will be posting with photographs...

We are Robots

I've always been fascinated by UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) and stories related to these alien objects. The first story that I ...