Friday, September 21, 2007

Change your Weekends

Today when I was driving to my office on the busy roads of Gurgaon I was wondering why we all get free on the same two days (Saturday and Sunday). So I thought of calculating the effects of shifting our weekly holidays.

Suppose there are 2000 companies in which employees get 2 days off weekly. On an average each company has 500 employees and 50% of them have 4 wheelers. Also suppose that these companies consume 1000 MW of power everyday.

2000 --> 1000MW = 0.5MW per Company

2000 * 500 = [10,00000] Employees

2000 * 250 = [5,00000] four Wheelers on road from these companies
(50% employees have four wheelers)

We can decide from three Non-Overlapping day offs:-
SaturdaySunday - MondayTuesday - WednesdayThursday

Now at any single day (except Friday), 666 company employees will be on leave.
(Friday can be used for companies that have only a single day off weekly)

666 * 250 = 1,66,500 vehicles off the road
so less congestion and better use of roads with less wear and tear.
No long queues at Petrol pumps.
Will have affect on the number of road accidents per day.
Better control through Traffic police and signals.
Better fuel efficiency and fuel saving.

666 * 0.5 = 333 MW of extra power available
This can be used at other locations.
Better illumination of roads and more power available to the city.
Reduction in power cuts

Also there will be a reduction in the number of people visiting Malls and Cinema houses.


Sumeet said...

Really very good thought manu, but plz give them a light. Diamond and Coal are same in dark but in light even a blind can decide. Sooo.. plz look for the suitable platform where these precious ideas can be put and discussed.

The thing I doubt is that, we might not be able to meet all of our frnds on the same day and would be limited to some group of frnds those have leave on same day.

Abhi said...

Friends in the same company will be on leave with you only.
and To get in touch with your friends from other companies you have to use e-mail or phone call.

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